Kids Poster Contest


The Kids Poster Contest is sponsored by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Students attending Mary Woodward, Alberta Rider and Deer Creek Elementary Schools and are in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade are eligible to enter the contest. It is designed to combine a student’s originality and artistic talent with his or her ability to share the important message of Know what’s below, Call 811 before you dig.


Fun Facts to know: There are over 2.6 million miles of underground pipelines in the United States – enough to circle the earth over 100 times.

Every digging job requires a call – even small projects like planting trees or shrubs.

Data shows that if you call 811 before digging, you will avoid hitting an underground facility 99% of the time.

Oregon 811 booth at the Civil War game

Oregon 811 had a booth set up at the Moshofsky Center for the Civil War game.
Hundreds of fans stopped by to learn about safe digging and spun the wheel for a prize. Thanks to all the volunteers who made it a successful day.

WIN Civil War tickets in 2 easy steps!

WIN Civil War tickets in 2 easy steps:

1. “LIKE” the Oregon Utility Notification Center Facebook Page:

2. POST your answer on Facebook to the question asked there.

After you complete these steps, your name will be entered to win TWO tickets to the Civil War football game. A winner will be randomly selected.

Locator Training Seminar / Pendleton, Oregon October 13-14, 2015

Locator training has been a focus for the OUNC as the demand for this specialized craft continues to increase. In 2015, the OUNC conducted locator training sessions in Redmond, Sherwood and Pendleton. Seventy-one students completed course studies and field instruction. Additional information for 2016 class schedules: scroll under News & Events to Locator Training. Schedule TBD.

Oregon 811 - Country Music Festival Sponsorship

OUNC Sponsorship – 2015 – Bi-Mart Country Music Festivals

Oregon Utility Notification Center was present at Cape Blanco and Willamette CMF this year.  The Oregon 811 booth provided festive give aways for the attendees at the music festivals.  Thanks again to all the volunteers who worked hard and provided the message to call 811 before you dig!

OUNC partners with UO and OSU – 2014 & 2015

Advancing our “dig safely” message through live events has created great partnerships with the University of Oregon and Oregon State University. Follow us on Facebook to win tickets to this year civil war game in Eugene, Oregon.

Starlight Parade, May 30, 2014

In keeping with Portland’s MAKING MEMORIES theme, the OUNC and Royce Prop Shop created a dazzling display, showcasing the advantages of preserving a beautifully illuminated landscape by calling 811 before you plant those great Portland rose bushes.

Locator Training Seminar / Coos Bay, Oregon March 11-12, 2014

Locator training has been a focus for the OUNC as the demand for this specialized craft continues to increase. In 2014, the OUNC conducted locator training sessions at various locations throughout the state. Forty-five students completed course studies and field instruction. Additional information for 2015 class schedules: scroll under News & Events to Locator Training.

JJ Harrison

Rodeo Clown JJ Harrison Promotes Call 811

Rodeo clown JJ Harrison has held the “Northwest Clown of the Year” title for the past five years. At the Ellensberg Rodeo while demonstrating his trade, he used his teaching skills to promote Call 811!

JJ Harrison grew up in Okanogan, Wash., where his love for the rodeo began. He took his passion to college with him and joined the rodeo team as a bull and bronco rider at Washington State University. Harrison taught science and social studies at a Walla Walla middle school for eight years while working as a rodeo clown.

Since 1923, the Ellensberg Rodeo is held every Labor Day weekend. The Ellensburg Rodeo is also one of the “old rodeos” and has earned its place as one of America’s Top 10 professional rodeos.

Oregon State Seal

OUNC works with Governor to proclaim April, 2012 Safe Digging Month

As part of the national effort to raise awareness of safe digging practices, and encourage the use of 811 to request locates of underground facilities, the Oregon Utility Notification Center (OUNC) board of directors worked with Governor Kitzhaber to issue a proclamation naming April 2012 “Oregon Safe Digging Month”. In the proclamation the Governor has asked people to call 811 at least two business days before digging to insure all essential underground utilities are located before excavating.

The board would like to thank the Governor for his support and hopes everyone will use the free call to 811 prior to starting any digging project.

View Proclamation